Friday, December 21, 2012

The WHY of Your Inner Core

3:23 a.m.  words streaming through my brain.  trying to sleep.  words keep coming.  I'll remember them tomorrow.  no you won't.  get up.

I'm launching my new project … The Joy Weigh … your guide to More JOY/Less FAT … and I'm obsessing over it … that glorious, thrumming, state-of-flow obsessing.  It's a big project, a calling everything I have project, a can I really do this project.

Yesterday a conversation with a friend reminded me of something I hadn't thought of in a long time.  The summer before my fourth grade, I wanted to be an opera singer.  Keep in mind, I was a lonely only child living in the Kansas outback.  I had never seen an opera. I'm not even sure how I knew what one was, but I went around outside singing words I didn't understand at the top of my lungs to an audience I couldn't see.  I never knew why.

One of the activities on The JOY Weigh is creating a WHY Card … a simple list of why you are committed to something … written on an index card and placed where you will see it often.  I've been working on my WHY Card for this project and for my own journey on The JOY Weigh.  I had come up with all the standard reasons and thought that activity was done.

Then I remembered that little girl walking around the yard joyously singing an unknown song with made up words. For years as I remembered that scene, I just smiled in amusement. I thought it was just me being a kid. But, not long after the conversation with my friend, it suddenly flashed on me that, even then, I was trying to find my voice ... even when I didn't know what my song was or to whom I wanted to sing it. 

Now I know why. I know why I'm on this path. I know why I have to do this. It is my JOY ... It is my opera.  I know why I can never give up ... It would mean giving up a piece of myself. 

Regardless of which path you choose, which commitment you make, find the "why" of your inner core and it will pull you forward past the rocks and setbacks.  You will know that it is your soul calling. 


  1. Thank you for your inspiration and JOY-filled approach to life, Joyce. Warmest wishes for the holiday season and here's to getting that project launched in the coming New Year!

  2. Hello Joyce! So... I'm back. My back is healed and I can sit. But... I seem to be unable to find your last blog post "Excuses Galore" -- my computer tells me it doesn't exist.

    and my committment is to get back on the Joy-weigh path!


  3. Joyce, another wonderful idea of yours...thank goodness you exist...the world is better because you the weight, I highly recommend a recent book by a friend Hyla Cass MD ( is 8 weeks to vital health for women...(i'm not a woman, but it worked)...she shares the brain chemistry and a series of over the counter "brain food" to stimulate the seratonin, happiness etc that we lack and use food as a self -medicating device for...highly recommend...changed my life.
