Monday, August 8, 2011

Are We Truly Connected?

This TED Talk by Eve Ensler is not an easy one to watch, but it asks me, "If you truly believed that we are all connected, if the rape victim in the Sudan is as connected to you as one of your fingers, what would you do differently?"  And I have to answer, "I truly don't know."  It is a disorienting, painful question as I sit here in my pleasant, quiet, safe life.


  1. I've watched this and other pieces by Ensler before. There is no easy answer to that question, including getting people to feel guilty they are not suffering too. You can write, send money, support the thousand-and-one efforts to stop the criminal acts. . . and still they'll go on. That's not, of course, an answer; just a reflection that there are no easy solutions. But giving up is no solution either, which is why the pressure to try to get this stopped has to go on.

  2. Maureen ... you are so right! My answer for this moment at least is to make art. Maybe one person making art won't make a difference ... but, again, if we are all connected, one tiny cell in the body focusing on beauty is one cell not adding to the violence.

  3. Hi joyce...I just posted to my blog about my tears...and oh Goddess, can I cry for the state of the world. The cruelty and disconnect. I don't know the answers either...but yesterday Bob Hand spoke of the power of directed it possible that we simply need to be aware, open, and speak of the horrors in hopes that others will also direct their energy toward change? Certainly awareness and and compassionate hearts do have power. Thank you for sharing...If you don't mind I am going to also post it...
    love, love..

  4. Jullie ... you can always repost anything on my blog. Maybe directing our energy and visualizing a different outcome for these situations is the best action we can take. Maybe if we add enough beauty to the world it will overwhelm the ugliness. many hugs to you.
