Monday, July 25, 2011

Shadow Dance

Sometimes what isn't "real" is as beautiful as what is.

A few weeks ago, a group of writers, photographers, dancers and artists gathered for a day of co-creating in a magical place of trees, rocks, creek and human habitat.  In two weeks we will gather again to perform what was created.  It should be interesting since none of us are quite sure what was created.  A bunch of us have posted photos taken during the day (see my facebook page) and some of us are writing pieces to be performed.  How this will all come together we're not sure.  In other words we are in the midst of the creative process not knowing what will emerge.

This image reminds me of that process.  I saw the shadow and it called to me.  But when I looked at the photo later I realized there was more there than I saw.  I didn't see the blue splotches and the subtle shadows and reflections.  We just keep creating and somewhere down the line we begin to see just what was created.  


  1. I hope someone will film the performance(s).

    Fascinating image, Joyce.

  2. wow!
    "We just keep creating and somewhere down the line we begin to see just what was created."
    Isn't that the truth....scary in some ways...and profoundly rich in possibility in others. xo

  3. I'm with Maureen and Julie -- fascinating image -- and wow! That last line. Wow!

    Looking forward to seeing the video!!!
