Friday, March 11, 2011

Survey: What Do Fearless, Fabulous Women Want?

I'd like to invite all of you fearless, fabulous women to participate in a new survey.   The purpose of the survey is to find out what women at our stage of life truly want ... with the possibility of creating books and other information products that would help you live life more confidently and creatively.

               Click here for the survey

Please feel free to pass the link along to your friends, and post on facebook and twitter.  It's short ... only 10 questions.

Why fearless, fabulous women?

Mainly because I love women who have experienced life and earned their wisdom stripes (sometimes called crow's feet and gray hair).  While some women become fearless and fabulous early in life, for most of us, it shows up in our 40s and 50s.  There’s something that happens to us at this age.  Some things slow down; some things speed up.  Our bodies change and our spirits, now free from the prime responsibility for child care and the frantic multi-tasking required of working mothers, reach out in new directions.  Creativity, simmering on the back-burner sometimes for decades, boils over and claims it’s space on the page, on the canvas, in the garden, in the music room, on the dance floor, or on the world stage.

There is a jubiliance about this time, a breaking free after a long chrysalis stage as we try new wings and look in wonder at the never-before-seen bright colors of ourselves.  I remember being at a writing workshop with Natalie Goldberg in Taos not long after I turned 50.  Each morning I would go for a long walk and suddenly poetry started bubbling up.  It was a shock and one poem said, “I’m a practical person, I don’t write poetry” and finished, “So what is this stuff oozing up from the cracks in my life in these Taos mountains?”  For several years after that, poems flowed like water.

At the time, I thought it was just my own repressed creativity breaking free but since then I’ve talked to dozens of women who report a similar experience of something new coming forth in their 50s.  We think of that age, with the onset of menapause, as a “drying up,” a loss of vitality, when, in actuality, it is a birthing of spirit.  And, everyone who has given birth, whether to a child or a new project, knows that birthing involves pain and a widening of things that sometimes don’t want to widen.  Birthing something new is done in the dark, uncharted territory of Dragon Country.  The uncertainty of a new creation is part of the joy and fascination that pulls us forward and gives us the energy to take the risk involved.

This survey is part of a new birth ... I hope you'll help mid-wife it.


  1. For whatever mysterious reason, my answers won't record. This happens each time Survey Monkey is used. I'll try again later.

  2. Maureen ... thanks for this feedback and the tweet! I've never had problems with SurveyMonkey but it's been awhile since I've used it. I'll see if I get other feedback on this.
