Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mary Oliver and Coleman Barks

You must marry your soul. 
That wedding is the way.
  -- Rumi

While searching for Coleman Barks reading Rumi, I found this video of Mary Oliver reading some of her poems (including Wild Geese) and being interviewed (sort of) by Coleman Barks.  I couldn't resist sharing it ... so it's sort of the encore to the Rumi/Barks Celebration.


  1. Oliver reads her own work well; some poets don't. It would be interesting to pair her poems with Rumi's own.

    I liked the bit about naming objects after books. And Barks' commentary/interview. . . I felt for him. Oliver's response was wonderful.

  2. So very true, that Oliver reads her work well. I hesitated to listen in case I was again disappointed by a poet reading poorly especially a poem I had always loved! What a gift these few minutes are. Thank you.

  3. I was wondering how you were going to follow-up after Rumi.

    This is perfect.

    And yes, she does read her poetry well -- but then, her poetry is well read out loud!

