Sunday, November 21, 2010

Joy 56/82: Bark

I've always had a "thing" about bark ... the colors, textures and shapes.  Some trees ... especially eucalyptus ... are like galleries with thousands of paintings in ever-changing exhibits.  I've  taken hundreds of pictures of bark which sit neglected in my computer files. 

Once again, Maureen at Writing without Paper opened my eyes to new possibilities.  She introduced me to Cedric Pollet an amazing photographer who created an incredible book of his bark photographs.  You can see some of the pictures from his book here.

I just bought the book and spent several minutes looking at all the bark photographs in my files ... the creative juices are stirring.  Thanks again, Maureen!

About this image:  "Looking Out" ... see the tiny being looking out at this world from the safety of his eucalyptus home?


  1. Joyce, if your photos look like this one, do consider doing your own book or perhaps mounting an exhibition. You could do a show via social media (I have a friend who's doing one via Twitter.)

  2. Thanks, Maureen! There are so many ways to share inspiration these days.

  3. Oh, wow -- thank you both! I, too, have photos of bark. Not to mention three albums of driftwood pictures... this is SO INSPIRING!

  4. Lovely. Lovely. Lovely!

    All three of you -- and your photo Joyceann!
