Friday, January 29, 2010


Cleve Backster is a polygraph expert best known for his controversial experiments with biocommunication in plant and animal cells using a polygraph machine in the 1960s. After establishing that plants in his office could sense his thoughts, he was curious to know whether the plants could sense the "thoughts" of other organisms. He arranged a carefully controlled experiment where a small number of brine shrimp were dumped into boiling water by automated equipment which also tracked the polygraph results. The experiment showed that the plants reacted to the death of the brine shrimp even though they were in separate rooms and Backster himself was out of the building. This experiment and the others that he conducted over a 30-year period convinced Backster that all life forms are in tune with each other and that they are constantly passing telepathic information back and forth at every moment.

This experiment, described in Lynne McTaggart's The Intention Experiment and in the video below, has been replicated by others but is still not accepted by the scientific community. But, for just a moment, let's assume that Backster's experiments are valid and that there is a continuous exchange of information between organisms and that the death or threat of any organism is felt by all other organisms. We know that more war, more horror, more genocide happened during the 1900s than during any period in history. Could this be part of the reason we have seen such a massive rise in depression and other stress related diseases?

If we knew ... really knew ... that every action we take, every thought we think, truly affects every living person, animal, plant or cockroach around us, what would we do differently?


  1. What a powerful and thought-provoking question Joyce. Thank you for presenting the evidence. Thank you for asking the question!


  2. Another fascinating piece. My guess is that the resistance comes because Backster's not a scientist and the polygraph has been shown to be inaccurate (results more often are disallowed than allowed in legal cases). Still, the question of how to explain his results remains.

    Humans do have the gift of empathy, which means we are capable of understanding the deleterious effects of our actions and yet still act in ways that do great harm. That's the paradox and it bothers me no end.
