Rounding out a baker's dozen of Internet blessings is perhaps the biggest one ... three new friends. What started as simple blog connections have grown into a conversation that feeds my spirit and friendships that helped me through the rocky shoals of this past year. Diane, Maureen and Louise have become true companions on my journey and I am grateful for the gift of having them in my life. So I'd like to toast each of them:
Diane ...
Contemplative Photography and
The Gospels of Thomas MeditationsDiane is a

n inspiring photographer, artist and writer who shares her daily meditations in a way that touches and enlightens. I met Diane at a Miksang photography workshop in Boulder and it was sisterhood-at-first-sight. The connection points on our journey first amazed us and then became almost comical as we discovered an almost "separated at birth twinship" between us. Diane inspired me to return to blogging and gave me permission to admit that my cup was empty. Since then she has poured a continuous stream of inspiration and beauty into that cup and also introduced me to Maureen and Louise. Thanks Diane for being one of my angels in 2009.
Maureen ...
Writing without Words and
Transformational Threads
Maureen is a brilliant writer, poet and art enthusiast who continuously offers her friends and fans new discoveries and treasures from the wide world of art. Shortly after I started blogging again, I began receiving encouraging comments from someone I had never met. Her notes were so warm and inspiring that I was drawn to her blog and felt like I had fallen into a world of art, inspiration and comradeship. One of the treasures of this year has been the blossoming of my friendship with Maureen.
Louise ...
Recover Your Joy blog and author of
The Dandelion Spirit
Louise is a courageous spirit who has faced life's dragons and transformed their energy into compassionate action in her writing and her work with a homeless shelter. Her blog delivers on the promise she offers:
"This is where you'll learn how to unearth your essence and lighten your spirit. Everyday I share my thoughts and feelings on what it takes to live life with joy." Her story, her journey and her words are a constant inspiration. Her friendship makes me stronger and long to be a better person.
Hello my lovely friend Joyce,
ReplyDeleteSo.... cyberspace ate my response, I think...
Just in case, I'll recreate because I so want to thank you for your amazing words to me.
Thank you.
You have touched my heart and my soul. You have illuminated those dark spaces I was afraid to journey into alone and shared your light. Thank you.
I too feel incredibly blessed to have you and Maureen and Joyce as friends upon this journey.
You add such depth and wisdom and beauty to my path.
I can't wait to work together and create something magnificent!
Love and hugs
Originally, there were four muskateers, right?
ReplyDeleteTruly, I could not have imagined when I began blogging in late September that I would find three others - you, Louise, and Diane - with whom I might share so much: laughter, extraordinary words, beautiful photography, art, late-night e-mails, and a road to grace. Ours is a little community that goes well beyond its boundaries by what we give to each other every day. Thank you for helping me keep my eyes open and my heart filled.
Ah, Joyce; what a blessing your presence has been for me! And I'm not exactly sure how this all came together, but I am SO GRATEFUL for all three of you! However we may have met -- and I've no idea who came first to this table -- I am being fed daily...