Today it hit me that I missed an opportunity. In my haste to capture every bit of shimmering yellow and make my way down the mountain, I missed an opportunity to meet someone who looked like he had wisdom to share. I missed a connection. I saw that man not as a person but only as an image. Several years ago I wrote a poem about time and how I did not have time to not slow down. Obviously, I have not learned that lesson yet. I know I will never see that man again and that opportunity is irretrievably lost ... but I can keep the lesson he inadvertently taught me once again, and which showed up in this poem:
My Lost Brother
My brother,
I'm sorry I did not stop to talk.
I'm sorry I did not stop to hear your heart.
In my rush to be on my way,
I simply snapped my photo and
added another image to my collection.
I did not see you truly sitting there
willing to share your wisdom,
waiting to explore our connection.
Too late now, I know
that you are my brother and
you held a priceless gift for me.
My brother, while we will never know
our linkage to each other, I promise
to never again rush past an outstretched hand.
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